Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapters 28, 29, 30, and 31

Jem and Scout After the Pagent
What a horrible night. Tonight was the night of the Halloween party at the school, which was horrible itself because I embarrassed myself my missing my entrance during the pageant since I fell asleep, but I dont want to talk about the pageant right now. It was the walk home that was the worse part. Jem and I were on our way home, and we knew someone was following us. It was very dark and we couldn't see a thing, but we thought it might just have been Cecil Jacobs since he was popping up and trying to scare us all night. We were wrong, for little did we know it was much more then Cecil. Before I knew it, Jem is telling me to run, but I could barely walk in my let alone run, so Jem ends up dragging me along to the street while all the while someone is running after us. This person catches up to us, and stabbed at me, but luckily my big custom prevented any harm. I wish I could say the same for Jem. I heard a snap and the Jem screaming. It was very frightening. I ran to go help Jem when I was grabbed, but then suddenly let go. I tried to get Jem but only saw a man I did not recognize. I realized he was carrying Jem back to our house so I followed him there.
Boo Radley Saving Jem

When we reach home, Aunt Alexandra called the doctor for Jem, and it turns out that he was knocked unconscious and had a broken arm. Suddenly, the sheriff appears at our house and tell Atticus that Bob Ewell was found dead under the tree where we attacked. I walked into Jem's room to check on him when I see the same man I did not recognize in the room as well. Finally, it dawned on me that it was Boo Radley. I will admit I was scared at first, but then realized he saved Jem and I from Bob. I wanted to show how thankful I was to him for what he has done, so I walked him home. I'll never forget what he done for us.

Chapters 22,23,24, 25 and 27

Bob Spits at Atticus
It has gotten pretty bad around Maycomb lately. It all started when Bob Ewell threatened Atticus and then spat in his face. Mr. Ewell was still bitter and holding a bad grudge over Atticus for making him look bad during the trail and helping Tom Robinson. Of course, Atticus was mature about the situation and stayed calm, since he is the better man. Afterwards when Atticus came home and told us all about it, Aunt Alexandra, Jem and I were all very nervous that Mr. Ewell would follow through with his threats. Atticus told us not to worry though, and that that would be the worst of it, but boy he was wrong. In August, Atticus brings the bad news that Tom Robinson was shot several times while trying to escape from the prison. After this event happened, someone overheard Bob saying the words "One down and about two more to go..." And I'm afraid to think that Atticus might be one of those two people.
Bob Ewell
In more recent events,  Judge Taylor has spotted Bob Ewell following Tom's wife, Helen, to work. Judge Taylor threatened Bob by saying if he didn't leave Helen alone, he would have him arrested,  and since then their hasn't been any other problems. Aunt Alexandra is still worried, and I think I still might be too. But enough about the bad things that have been happening around here. Good news is that this Halloween, their is a party and a play at the school! I'm dressing as a ham, and me and Jem are going together. Finally things are looking up.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chapters 18,19,20 and 21

Mayella and Bob Ewell in the Courtroom
 Throughout the whole trial, I learned that the girl who accusing Tom of rape, is the oldest of many kids in her family and is very lonely. She does most the work in the house out of all of the kids. They all live together with their father, Bob Ewell, who is a drunk, behind the town dump. According to her and Mr. Ewell, Tom walked by her house and was asked ny her to help with something inside. Then supposedly, Mayella screamed for help, and Tom was caught raping her by Mr. Ewell. That is when he ran from the house. But Tom's story was different, he said he never touched her and that she hugged him around the waist and asked him to kiss her. Then her father appeared in the window and threatened her, that's when Tom ran away.

Atticus and Tom Robinson in the Courtroom
I found myself believing Tom's story more believable towards the end of the trial when Atticus made the point that they have no real evidence. They never called a doctor to check out Mayella, so they can't prove that she was raped, and all the bruising on her face suggest that it couldn't of been Tom. Plus they don't even have any eye witnesses other then Mayella and her father. All the jury has against Tom is a story from a white man. Jem was so sure that Atticus was successful and that Tom would be not guilty, but as soon as the Jury came out, I knew that Jem was wrong. Atticus told me that a jury never looks a convicted man in the eye, and they didn't. Tom was announced guilty. Jem was very upset.

Chapters 15, 16 and 17

It was the most terrible night. It started off with Atticus taking the car into town, which he never does. Jem wanted to go see what Atticus was up to, so he, Dill and I sneaked out of the house to follow him late in the night. We found him at the town jail with a group of people arguing about something. I ran to Atticus, expecting everything to be fine and Jem and Dill run after me to try and stop me, but I made it to the group of people. Atticus tells us to leave but Jem refuses. In the group, I find Walter Cunningham's dad, and try to talk to him. He was very quite though, and then he and his group of people left. Later that night, I figured that it wasn't a group of people, it was a mob. And they would of hurt Atticus if we didn't show up, or worse.

Jem, Dill and I in the Courtroom
The next day was the day of Tom Robinson's. People from everywhere seemed to be coming to it, except Miss Maudie who said it wasn't right. Jem, Dill and I go anyway and try to sneak in without Atticus knowing us, but to our disappointment, there was no seats left. Reverend Sykes finds us though, and lets us sit with the colored people in the balcony section. From that few we could almost see the whole courtroom. My favorite part of the whole trial is when Atticus cross-exams Mr. Ewell by showing the jury that he is left handed, and telling them that Tom Robinson left hand is crippled, and he could possibly of bruised the right side of Mayella's face as he was also accused of.

Chapter 12, 13 and 14

Calpurnia's chruch
Jem and I went with Calpurnia to her church the other day. We both felt unwelcome at first when this colored women came up to us and was aggravated with Calpurnia for bringing us white children to their place, but the Reverend said otherwise. Their church ways are a bit different then ours. Instead of everyone having their own hymnals to sing from, only one person does. He sings one line from the song and then everyone else repeats after him. I found out they did this because the church can't afford books for everyone, and even if they did, none of the people would be able to read from it. Near the end of the service the reverend asks for collection of money for a person named Tom Robinson's family. This is the person Atticus is defending in court. Tom's wife can't find work anymore to support her kids, so when not a lot of donations are given, the Reverend wouldn't let anyone leave the church until he had 10 dollars. It was a very different experience from what my brother and I know.
I also found out that my Aunt Alexandra is going to be staying at our house for awhile. I don't like it that much since she only cares about how we look and wants me to start wearing dresses. She also told me that I couldn't go back to the church with Calpurnia, which I don't think she really has a say in, but Atticus told me to listen to her, so I suppose I will have to endure her stay.

In other news Dill ran away from home and came to our house. I found him under my bed one night. He wasn't suppose to visit Maycomb this summer since his mother got remarried and he was going to stay with them in Meridian. He came here though because ever since his new father came along, he feels like he isn't cared enough for by his mom. Jem goes on and tells on him by telling Atticus about Dill's arrival. Atticus wasn't mad, but did tell his Aunt Rachel about him being in Maycomb. I just hope hes able to stay with us.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapters 9, 10, and 11

Atticus With the Rifle
Times have been rough lately since Atticus has accepted to defend a black mans case in court. Atticus claims that he couldn't deny the case and still have self-respect. Word has spread around town about this and kids at school always bring it up. I almost got into a fight with a kid named Cecil Jacobs for speaking negatively towards my father, but I promised Atticus that I wouldn't let the situation bring me down, so I just walked away. Things didn't go so smoothly with my cousin though. During Christmas time, my Aunt Alexandra's Grandson, Francis called Atticus a "nigger-lover". Well, one thing led to another and I beat the nasty Francis. I hope he learned his lesson. Even though everyone calls my father some mean things, I grown to have a new look on Atticus. I use to think the he was just older then everyone else fathers and could never do anything other then read, while the other fathers would go hunting and fishing. My opinion changed though when a mad dog appeared down the street, walking towards our house. Atticus comes to the house with the sheriff who asks if Atticus could shoot the dog with the rifle he had. To Jem's and my amazement, Atticus kills the dog with one shot from quit far away. Miss Maudie told us that Atticus use to be the best shot in the county. I really was shocked I never knew this before.

Jem and I Reading to Mrs. Dubose

There is also this old lady in our neighborhood named Mrs. Dubose who says harsh think about my father. It is weird because usually I hear it from the kids at school, but never from a grown adult. Jem lashed out one day and ruined all of Mrs. Dubose's bushes (with my baton by the way!). I don't know what was going through Jem's head because Atticus told him to be a gentlemen towards her since she was a sick old women, and I don't see destroying an old lady's bushes as gentlemen like. As punishment for doing this, Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose every day for a month. I join Jem since I would be lonely with him gone all the time. During these reading sessions, Mrs. Dubose was have these fits that Jem and I wouldn't understand, but as soon as they happen we are forced to leave. A month or so after our time was up and we were free to go, Atticus gave us the news that Mrs. Dubose has passed on and was a morphine addict. He gave Jem a box from Mrs. Dubose which contained a white flower from the bush Jem had destroyed from the beginning. I hope this means that she forgave Jem.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chapters 6, 7 and 8

Dill and Jem Going to the Radley's House
On Dills last day in Maycomb, so he and Jem made a plan to sneak over the Radleys house and look through the windows and find out if they could see anything. I try to stop them but end up joining them in the processes. We went during the night but our plan quickly failed when Nathan Radley showed up with a shotgun and fired it. Luckly we escaped by going under the fence in the school yard but Jem caught his pants in the fence and had to take them off to free himself quickly enough. That raised some eyebrows when we came house and the whole neighborhood was gathered to see what the ruckus was about. Dill told everyone that we were playing strip poker which just alarmed everyone even more. Later that night, to keep from getting caught in what we were really do that night, Jem goes out to retrieve his pants. When he came back he seemed disheveled but he didn't say anything, he just went back to bed with out a word. Eventually Jem told me what happened that night. He said when he went back to get his pants, they were mended and hung neatly over the fence.

Also I have started the second grade. It is as bad as it was in first grade, but Jem assured me that it gets better. In the fall, Jem and I have been passing by the tree with the knot in the whole and each time their is something new in it. On day we were going to leave a note in there thanking who ever is leaving the presents for us, but when Jem went to put it in the tree it was filled with cement! It turns out Nathan Radley filled it with cement because he claims it was dying. When we brought it to Atticus's attention though he said that it wasn't dying, and it look as healthy as it could be.

Miss Maudie's Burning house
In other events, I experienced my first snow fall! School was closed and everything. Jem and I made a snow man as best as we could out of dirt and covered it with snow. We turned it into looking like Mr. Avery but Atticus told us to change its look. In the middle of that night, Atticus woke me and Jem up and we all went outside. To my surprise Miss Maduies house was on fire and the neighborhood was helping her save her furniture. Sadly he house didn't make it, but the firemen stopped the fire from spreading to other houses. Later on, Atticus bring to my attention that I had a blanket on me that I didn't have when I left the house. Jem says that it must of been Boo Radley and tell Atticus everything that strange that has been happening to us, even the part about the pants. Atticus tell us to keep this all to ourselves. That nearly made me sick to my stomach thinking about that. Oh, and by the way Miss Maudie was strangely alright about her house burning down. She said she was planning to get a smaller one so she could have a bigger garden anyway, so I guess that's good news.

Chapters 4 and 5

Radley's Tree

I am now out of school since it is summer vacation. The school year felt like it went by very slow, everyday is practically the same. Except for one particular day when I was walking rapidly past the Radley's house like I usually do but then something caught my eye. It was a tinfoil sticking out of a knot hole one of the Radley's oak tree. My curiosity got the best of me and I reached in it and found out it was two pieces of chewing gum! I told Jem about this when he got home and he just got worried about me chewing both pieces and made me spit them out. On the last day of school though Jem and I were walking home together and we passed the hole in the tree. This time  found two Indian head pennies. Jem told me that they were really old and give good luck. We decided to keep them.
Dill, Jem and I.

In other news Dill is came back to Maycomb. We started this new game called "Boo Radley". Basically we just act out the roles of the Radley family members. Miss Maudie, one of my neighbors, told me some things about Boo Radley. She said that he had a harsh father, but was polite and friendly when he was a kid though she thinks that he is probably crazy now. Later on, I found out that Dill and Jem wrote a note to Boo asking him if he wanted to get some ice cream with them. They made me keep watch with Dill while Jem tried to get the note through one of the windows. Atticus caught us in the act though and told us to stop bothering Boo, and that was that.

Chapter 3

Burris Ewell
Today was another wonderful day at school! Not really. A tiny bug crawled out of Burris Ewell's hair. Miss Caroline started to freak out over this and tell Burris to go home and not to return until he has taken a bath. Little does she know that all the Ewell family are very poor and none of them make it past the first day of school, so by sending him home for the day, she is sending him home for the year. After the class explains that to her, she tried to tell Burris to sit back down which makes him very mad. Out of his rage he ends up calling Miss Caroline a "snot-nosed slut of a school teacher", making Miss Caroline cry and ending with Burris leaving the building. The rest of the class tries to comfort Miss Caroline which sort of works and we go on with the day learning.
Atticus and I On the Porch Swing

After Supper today Atticus asked me if I wanted to read with him. Without a word, I went to the from porch to be alone, but Atticus followed me to there. He asked me if there was anything wrong. I told him that I don't think I could go to school anymore and tried to convince him to teach me himself. When he denies my request I go on telling him that Miss Caroline doesn't want us to read together anymore because she claims he is teaching me wrong. He then makes a compromise with me. He told me If I went to school we could continue reading together just as long as I don't tell Miss Caroline we are doing so. I agreed to the terms and everything I alright for now. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 2

Miss Caroline
            Today was my first day of school, I'm officially in the first grade. I was pretty excited about going at first, but then I met the teacher. Her name is Miss Caroline. She is new to being a teacher as well as new to our town Maycomb. She isn't very familiar in how the town works, and doesn't do that well with teaching kids. For example, she told me that I was "too educated" and my dad had to stop teaching me things because he wasn't doing it properly. This got me upset now this means my dad wont be able to read with me before bed anymore. I talked to my brother about this all, but he just told me that  it's a new method that she was trying out. I don't think it is a very good one.

Walter Cunningham
                    Later, during lunch Miss Caroline was making a big fool out of herself. She kept on insisting that Walter Cunningham should borrow a quarter from her to buy himself lunch and to pay her back the next day. Little did she know that Walters family was very poor, and that he wouldn't ever be able to pay her back. Walter tried to deny the offer as nicely as he could which just made Miss Caroline get frustrated  I tried to step in and explain Walters situation, but I suppose I said something wrong because next thing I know Miss Caroline slapped my hand with a ruler in front of the whole class. I don't think I ever want to go back to that class.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Scouts Day

I am totally not looking foward to school tomorrow! Miss Caroline might beat me with a ruler again)':