Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapters 9, 10, and 11

Atticus With the Rifle
Times have been rough lately since Atticus has accepted to defend a black mans case in court. Atticus claims that he couldn't deny the case and still have self-respect. Word has spread around town about this and kids at school always bring it up. I almost got into a fight with a kid named Cecil Jacobs for speaking negatively towards my father, but I promised Atticus that I wouldn't let the situation bring me down, so I just walked away. Things didn't go so smoothly with my cousin though. During Christmas time, my Aunt Alexandra's Grandson, Francis called Atticus a "nigger-lover". Well, one thing led to another and I beat the nasty Francis. I hope he learned his lesson. Even though everyone calls my father some mean things, I grown to have a new look on Atticus. I use to think the he was just older then everyone else fathers and could never do anything other then read, while the other fathers would go hunting and fishing. My opinion changed though when a mad dog appeared down the street, walking towards our house. Atticus comes to the house with the sheriff who asks if Atticus could shoot the dog with the rifle he had. To Jem's and my amazement, Atticus kills the dog with one shot from quit far away. Miss Maudie told us that Atticus use to be the best shot in the county. I really was shocked I never knew this before.

Jem and I Reading to Mrs. Dubose

There is also this old lady in our neighborhood named Mrs. Dubose who says harsh think about my father. It is weird because usually I hear it from the kids at school, but never from a grown adult. Jem lashed out one day and ruined all of Mrs. Dubose's bushes (with my baton by the way!). I don't know what was going through Jem's head because Atticus told him to be a gentlemen towards her since she was a sick old women, and I don't see destroying an old lady's bushes as gentlemen like. As punishment for doing this, Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose every day for a month. I join Jem since I would be lonely with him gone all the time. During these reading sessions, Mrs. Dubose was have these fits that Jem and I wouldn't understand, but as soon as they happen we are forced to leave. A month or so after our time was up and we were free to go, Atticus gave us the news that Mrs. Dubose has passed on and was a morphine addict. He gave Jem a box from Mrs. Dubose which contained a white flower from the bush Jem had destroyed from the beginning. I hope this means that she forgave Jem.

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