Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 2

Miss Caroline
            Today was my first day of school, I'm officially in the first grade. I was pretty excited about going at first, but then I met the teacher. Her name is Miss Caroline. She is new to being a teacher as well as new to our town Maycomb. She isn't very familiar in how the town works, and doesn't do that well with teaching kids. For example, she told me that I was "too educated" and my dad had to stop teaching me things because he wasn't doing it properly. This got me upset now this means my dad wont be able to read with me before bed anymore. I talked to my brother about this all, but he just told me that  it's a new method that she was trying out. I don't think it is a very good one.

Walter Cunningham
                    Later, during lunch Miss Caroline was making a big fool out of herself. She kept on insisting that Walter Cunningham should borrow a quarter from her to buy himself lunch and to pay her back the next day. Little did she know that Walters family was very poor, and that he wouldn't ever be able to pay her back. Walter tried to deny the offer as nicely as he could which just made Miss Caroline get frustrated  I tried to step in and explain Walters situation, but I suppose I said something wrong because next thing I know Miss Caroline slapped my hand with a ruler in front of the whole class. I don't think I ever want to go back to that class.

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