Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapters 28, 29, 30, and 31

Jem and Scout After the Pagent
What a horrible night. Tonight was the night of the Halloween party at the school, which was horrible itself because I embarrassed myself my missing my entrance during the pageant since I fell asleep, but I dont want to talk about the pageant right now. It was the walk home that was the worse part. Jem and I were on our way home, and we knew someone was following us. It was very dark and we couldn't see a thing, but we thought it might just have been Cecil Jacobs since he was popping up and trying to scare us all night. We were wrong, for little did we know it was much more then Cecil. Before I knew it, Jem is telling me to run, but I could barely walk in my let alone run, so Jem ends up dragging me along to the street while all the while someone is running after us. This person catches up to us, and stabbed at me, but luckily my big custom prevented any harm. I wish I could say the same for Jem. I heard a snap and the Jem screaming. It was very frightening. I ran to go help Jem when I was grabbed, but then suddenly let go. I tried to get Jem but only saw a man I did not recognize. I realized he was carrying Jem back to our house so I followed him there.
Boo Radley Saving Jem

When we reach home, Aunt Alexandra called the doctor for Jem, and it turns out that he was knocked unconscious and had a broken arm. Suddenly, the sheriff appears at our house and tell Atticus that Bob Ewell was found dead under the tree where we attacked. I walked into Jem's room to check on him when I see the same man I did not recognize in the room as well. Finally, it dawned on me that it was Boo Radley. I will admit I was scared at first, but then realized he saved Jem and I from Bob. I wanted to show how thankful I was to him for what he has done, so I walked him home. I'll never forget what he done for us.

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