Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chapters 6, 7 and 8

Dill and Jem Going to the Radley's House
On Dills last day in Maycomb, so he and Jem made a plan to sneak over the Radleys house and look through the windows and find out if they could see anything. I try to stop them but end up joining them in the processes. We went during the night but our plan quickly failed when Nathan Radley showed up with a shotgun and fired it. Luckly we escaped by going under the fence in the school yard but Jem caught his pants in the fence and had to take them off to free himself quickly enough. That raised some eyebrows when we came house and the whole neighborhood was gathered to see what the ruckus was about. Dill told everyone that we were playing strip poker which just alarmed everyone even more. Later that night, to keep from getting caught in what we were really do that night, Jem goes out to retrieve his pants. When he came back he seemed disheveled but he didn't say anything, he just went back to bed with out a word. Eventually Jem told me what happened that night. He said when he went back to get his pants, they were mended and hung neatly over the fence.

Also I have started the second grade. It is as bad as it was in first grade, but Jem assured me that it gets better. In the fall, Jem and I have been passing by the tree with the knot in the whole and each time their is something new in it. On day we were going to leave a note in there thanking who ever is leaving the presents for us, but when Jem went to put it in the tree it was filled with cement! It turns out Nathan Radley filled it with cement because he claims it was dying. When we brought it to Atticus's attention though he said that it wasn't dying, and it look as healthy as it could be.

Miss Maudie's Burning house
In other events, I experienced my first snow fall! School was closed and everything. Jem and I made a snow man as best as we could out of dirt and covered it with snow. We turned it into looking like Mr. Avery but Atticus told us to change its look. In the middle of that night, Atticus woke me and Jem up and we all went outside. To my surprise Miss Maduies house was on fire and the neighborhood was helping her save her furniture. Sadly he house didn't make it, but the firemen stopped the fire from spreading to other houses. Later on, Atticus bring to my attention that I had a blanket on me that I didn't have when I left the house. Jem says that it must of been Boo Radley and tell Atticus everything that strange that has been happening to us, even the part about the pants. Atticus tell us to keep this all to ourselves. That nearly made me sick to my stomach thinking about that. Oh, and by the way Miss Maudie was strangely alright about her house burning down. She said she was planning to get a smaller one so she could have a bigger garden anyway, so I guess that's good news.

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