Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chapters 15, 16 and 17

It was the most terrible night. It started off with Atticus taking the car into town, which he never does. Jem wanted to go see what Atticus was up to, so he, Dill and I sneaked out of the house to follow him late in the night. We found him at the town jail with a group of people arguing about something. I ran to Atticus, expecting everything to be fine and Jem and Dill run after me to try and stop me, but I made it to the group of people. Atticus tells us to leave but Jem refuses. In the group, I find Walter Cunningham's dad, and try to talk to him. He was very quite though, and then he and his group of people left. Later that night, I figured that it wasn't a group of people, it was a mob. And they would of hurt Atticus if we didn't show up, or worse.

Jem, Dill and I in the Courtroom
The next day was the day of Tom Robinson's. People from everywhere seemed to be coming to it, except Miss Maudie who said it wasn't right. Jem, Dill and I go anyway and try to sneak in without Atticus knowing us, but to our disappointment, there was no seats left. Reverend Sykes finds us though, and lets us sit with the colored people in the balcony section. From that few we could almost see the whole courtroom. My favorite part of the whole trial is when Atticus cross-exams Mr. Ewell by showing the jury that he is left handed, and telling them that Tom Robinson left hand is crippled, and he could possibly of bruised the right side of Mayella's face as he was also accused of.

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